
Below is a list of topics that serve as a good overview for the types of services provided by Viewable Websites. Additional services for marketing materials are also available.

What I Do

Customized WordPress websites for small businesses; general size is in the range of 1-10 people in the company. WordPress Setup, Customization, & Site Design as well as hosting if needed.

Click on any heading below for more details.

Content organization and prioritizing This is an area often overlooked in terms prioritizing what is seen first and how to help direct where viewers go in the first 10 seconds.
  • Your viewers can't see everything at once!
  • What messages and information do you want viewers to see first?
If you need a domain name I can help with any questions regarding who you should register with, picking out a name, and thing you might consider based on your business.
  • I also need to make sure we have all the info needed to adjust the settings to your DNS (Domain Name Server) if needed as part of the server setup. Username and password are required to access these settings.
  • Always make sure the domain name is registered in your name and you have access to the account.
I make sure you have a server that meets the needs of your website as well as adjust any configurations needed to help with the performance and security.
  • Part of setting up your site will require an adequate server.
Setup any emails accounts you need and supply you with the information needed to setup accounts on your devices. Some businesses require a custom setups which may require a separate server or management system.
  • Typically most client already have email accounts.
  • Email accounts and server setups need to be discussed up front to make sure there will not be any conflicts with developing your new website.
WordPress install and setup, adjust all the settings, basic setup prior to installing the theme and plugins.
  • WordPress is a CMS (Content Management System) used by millions. 74,652,825 PLUS+ Sites using WordPress. The New York Times, CNN, Mashable, and eBay run their blogs on this “most popular CMS in the world – WordPress.”
Theme - I use "X Theme" Different themes allow different options on the look of your website.
Child Theme - Child themes are where all the customization and design work of the site go so the main theme can be updated while maintaining the integrity of your customization.
Plugins - plugins add different functions to your WordPress Website, forms, sliders, SEO tools, and much more.
Forms - setup submission forms, contact forms, etc. On occasion, some business's need a separate account for managing forms outside WordPress do to the number, complexity, etc.
Move WordPress sites if needed - some circumstances an older WordPress site needs to be moved to a newer server prior to updating or redesigning a new site.

What We Do

We work together as a team!

It requires both "Viewable Websites & the client" working together. Requests for updates and changes will require information using text docs, images, PDF, and access to complete the project.

Services Offered 

  • WordPress Platform
  • Design and Customization of Child Themes
  • Content Orgainization to help focus your audience
  • SEO Optimization and code implementation
  • Marketing code implementation
  • Gallery Setup
  • Sliders
  • Convert old sites to WordPress
  • Update Current WordPress Websites
  • Fix broken WordPress sites
  • One-Page websites
  • Quick WordPress Install Setup for the do it yourself owner.
  • and more....


Based in Phoenix Arizona / Servicing United States

Location is not an issue for communication. Typically Skype is used to discuss development with all customers.  This is great for viewing what we see on our computer screens for meetings. It allows for quick discussions, productive communication, and convenient for busy schedules.


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Web Hosting 

Hosting is for "Viewable Website customers only" and is used for site development, customer practice sites, or site hosting for those who need it.
